We know that looking for a new church can be tedious. Every Sunday morning can feel like another blind date that you’re not quite prepared for. This section of our website was designed to answer a visitor’s questions before they set foot in our church for the first time.


If you’re driving down S Perry St and feel like your GPS can’t possibly be right, don’t panic. If you reach the warehouse at the end of the road, you’re in the right place. We rent two units at 1733 S Perry St. Just come on in the door that says “Welcome” on it. If you have kids, the check-in counter is to the right. Someone will be there to welcome you and explain the check-in process to you. If you would like to pre-register your kids before Sunday morning to save some time, please click the button below. We offer classes for children on Sundays from age 0-12. Children will join the adults for worship and then be dismissed to their class before the teaching starts.


If you walk down the left hallway, you will find our café (where you can pick up a free cup of coffee or tea) and then the sanctuary is beyond the café. Most people dress casually because we want people to feel free to worship God authentically. We sing a few songs of praise and then we pray as a church for things we care about- like world events, our families, and our community. Sometimes we break into groups to pray, but you can remain silent and observe if you are more comfortable with that. After the sermon, we break into groups for a time of discussion. Feel free to participate as little or as much as you are comfortable. And sometimes, we throw out the whole script and put our mission to live God's love beyond ourselves into action on a Sunday morning.


At Beyond Church, we will stretch you in three directions: toward deeper investment in each other’s lives, toward greater desire to know Jesus, and toward intentionally loving others outside our church. We will encourage you to know each other more deeply by praying in small groups, participating in discussions with one another after the teaching time, and creating space to stay after church to get to know some people. We will encourage you to know Jesus by providing Bible reading guides and thought-provoking preaching. We will encourage you to intentionally love others through church service events and participation in Community Groups who cheer each other on as they seek to live God’s love beyond themselves.